Saturday, March 4, 2006

Still Stuck With Being Sick

Last Tuesday night, February 28, I went home from the library and felt very sick.  It was hard for me to get dinner ready for myself.  One of my cats, Cap, wasn't in the mood to eat that night either and kept to himself.  Storm, on the other hand, was full of energy and was in both of our faces wanting to play.

During the night, it was hard to sleep, thanks to my cold and the fact that Cap woke me up at 3:30 am wanting to eat now.  His hunger returned at the wrong time.  When it was time for me to get up and get ready for work, I fed him and Storm their food first before I fixed my breakfast. 

After I was done eating, I felt nausea and dizziness.  I also felt chills going through my body.  I got back into bed and stayed there.  I called my manager to let her know that I wasn't coming in for work that day.  I spent the whole morning underneath the covers in my bed shivering, coughing and sneezing.  Eventually, I felt better in the afternoon.

Thursday, I did go to work and made it throught the day.  That evening, I went shopping for more medicine and other stuff I needed for myself and my cats.  I took two Sudafeds while eating dinner.  That made me feel better.

I am feeling better now although some traces of being sick is still there.  At least, it's not getting in my way now.

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