Saturday, November 4, 2006

What My Shrink Told Me This Week

I told my shrink about my writing in my blog this past month.  "I did a lot of entries in the last few days.  Last night, I made about 8 entries," I informed her.  "Why can't you work on your book instead?" she asked. 

Thus began a lengthy session.  She was right.  I am able to restart my memoir called "Uncommon Bostonian."  I should be spending more time on that and less time on the blog during the week.  I was practically working on my blog Tuesday night for almost two hours, but they were great entries.

Don't assume I am abandoning my blog.  I will be still working on it, but I will be more focused on writing my memoir.  As I discussed with my shrink this week, I want to show the reality of emotional abuse against people with Asperger's Syndrome.  I will be writing about the many times throughout my life that I was emotionally abused by friends, family, co-workers and managers. 

I originally started working on this memoir just before I discovered in 2002 that I have Asperger's Syndrome and Nonverbal Learning Disorder.  Despite obstacles like a car accident and employment problems, I held onto my idea of doing a memoir.  I have written a few chapters before I had my car accident in December 2004.  Now, I want to go back and revise what I have written before and start writing new chapters.

I'll keep everyone posted on my progess in this blog.  Also, I will post links to articles related to Asperger's and autism here as I have done in the past.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you are doing okay.  Life is very isolating and difficult when you have Aspergers.  I know.  Do not give up.  Peace to you my friend.

J. Darlynne Worsham
"My Asperger Soul"