Thursday, April 12, 2007


CBS Fired Don Imus!

Good riddance!  When I first heard about Don Imus, a famous radio talk show host, hurling racial, sexist slurs at a basketball team of young black women, I was disgusted.  Why did they have this jerk on the air?  When his show started airing in Boston in the mid-1990s, I listened only once and found it very uninteresting.  I never understood why he was in the radio business at all.

I once saw him at a book store signing.  I didn't bother to buy his book, but I was amazed how ugly he looked!  It's worse than what you see on TV.

I, for one, am glad they fired him.  He had no business at all to say those slurs at those young women.  They had made remarkable accomplishments, and that dirty old man just callously slandered him.  What he had nothing to do with free speech.  He was painting a very negative picture of black women.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I were a regular listener to Don Imus' program I might be able to figure out the real reason they fired him, but I can assure you it had nothing to do with what he said about the Rutger's Women's Basketball Team.  It is my understanding that Don Imus has been making comments of similar quality all along.  Something else changed to cause this obviously orchestrated hatchet job on Don Imus.  His comments on the Rutger's women were totally innocuous and clearly meant as a joke.  The harm to the Rutgers women are in their minds alone.  It was disgusting to watch this team being held up as victims.  Imus was the real victim here!  His right to free speech allows him the freedom to engage in bone fide insults to these women if he so desires.  It's high time for minority women to seek notoriety due to actual accomplishments, and not lame-ass attempts at victimhood or lame talentless talk shows such a Oprah Winfrey perpetrates.  I'd prefer to watch Don Imus over Oprah Winfrey anyday.