Friday, February 15, 2008

Autism Dating Book

The true book of love has been written.  Its authors are Emilia Murry Ramey and Jody John Ramey.  They met through a mutual friend.  Soon, they both discovered that they both have Asperger's Syndrome.  The Vancouver couple, who got married in 2006, started doing presentations at autism conferences about dating.

Their book was the next step.  It's called Autistics' Guide to Dating: A Book by Autistics and Those who Love Them or Who are in Love with Them.  The publisher is the London-based Jessica Kingsley Publishers.  It's being released today.

Great news for us single Asperger people!  The message that Emilia and Jody stress is communication in their book.  I agree with them.  That's very important in any relationship.

Thank you, Emilia and Jody!

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