Monday, July 23, 2007

Shadow Lifting

USA Today has an article called "A Long Shadow is Lifted on Asperger's in Adults."  A psychologist named Kathy Marshack said that her late mother had Asperger's and her adopted daugther currently has it.  She believes that the condition is widely unrecognized in adults.  The article even wonders if many generations of adults escaped diagnosis.

I was very glad to find out that I had a condition that impaired my social skills.  Before that, others thought I was a mean, insensitive person.  A lot of people did not suspect that my brain wasn't like theirs.  I believe it's possible that a lot of adults weren't diagnosed because nobody suspected that they had a condition that impaired their social skills.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I got your web blog site from Gordon Taylor and I would like to say that I feel exactly the same way. I am now in the process of getting a diagnosis. I found out I had Aspergers about a year and ago and when I did all my life suddenly made sense. I now know that my mom must have had it too, which explains her weirs and as it seemed to me back then irrational behavior and other things that had happened in my family. By knowing, I was able to help my brother who also has it and most important, his 3 daughters who also have distinct Aspie traits. Now at least his kids can have a better chance in life than my mom had, than I had and that he had. At least they will be aware what it is that causes so much difficulty when it comes to socializing, and interacting with other people. I hope it will spare them from much of the grief that I had to encounter through my 45 years of life! Aspie adults are still a big gray area as most of not all focus is placed on children. I am sure there are many elderly put in homes out there who feel out of place and isolated because they don't know they have Asperger's. What about other like me who also deal with physicla illnesses and disabilities and have a hard time making their needs understood because their body language and facial expression does not support what they say and how they feel and the people who treat them feel they are exaggerating or lying? For 3 years I fought hrd to convince my doctors that I had a desease that they thought was only in my head. It turned out I was right but they caused me to waste 3 years of possible treatment which I now gravely regret. Aspie adults out there need society's attention, and most of all understanding. We need to speak out, organize, lobby for our rights. If you wnat to know more about me, check my blog on Yahoo 360

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind words, Perla!