Saturday, February 18, 2006

Being a Struggling Writer is Tough!

Here I am stuck at the public library in Allston.  I would rather be at home using my eMac surfing the Internet and writing articles so that I can paste onto this blog and other writer's forums that I am with to get noticed.  Just my luck that first my telephone line broke down for more than a month and then my eMac computer goes bonkers on me when I hooked it up to a DSL modem.  Now, I face the task of getting it fixed, which is something I can't do on my own.

When I was pursuing a career in broadcasting, I was all alone many times.  Finding the right help and advice was difficult because everyone was on my case about experience.  The fact is that I couldn't get experience because no one would hire me.  Sometimes, I couldn't get feedback from people who interviewed me for jobs in both radio and television.  All the while I was an undiagnosed person with Asperger's Syndrome, Nonverbal Learning Disorder, and Sleep Apnea.  The sad fact that no one noticed that I had these disorders in me.  They always assumed that I was either egotistical or obnoxious.  The truth was I had no idea what they thought of me during the interview.  How could I know?  Theory of Mind doesn't work when you have Asperger's Syndrome.

Now, I am pursuing another profession, and I am alone once again with problems.  There's no one I can call at 3:00 am for help.  I always have to call for help when it's when they are available and that might take a few weeks or months.

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