Saturday, February 24, 2007

Happy Birthday, Baby Beatle!

Happy 64th Birthday, George Harrison!

Tonight, I went to the Paradise Lounge and celebrated the youngest Beatle's 64th birthday with fellow listeners of WZLX's "The Breakfast With The Beatles."  It was great seeing Cha-Chi Loprete, the host of the radio show.  I've known him since my days as a WBCN listener line volunteer (way back in 1994).  It was a great reunion for us because we hadn't seen each other since I left WBCN in 2000.

It was a fun event.  I won a DVD of the documentary, "The US verses John Lennon."  I was the one who had the answer to the trivia question, "Which song did both The Beatles and The Beach Boys cover?"  The answer was Chuck Berry's "Rock and Roll Music."  Also, Cha-Chi gave me a "Breakfast With The Beatles" T-Shirt just before I won the DVD.

At the end of the party, I also got a WZLX 20th anniversary desk clock.  Overall, I had a great evening, despite the fact I was still weary from my plane trip from Las Vegas on Friday.  Yes, I did see the Cirque Du Soliel "Love" Show and also saw the movie Ghost Rider while in Vegas.

Blow Away by George Harrison

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