Sunday, October 7, 2007

Modesto Looks for Answers

Interesting article in The Modesto Bee, a California newspaper, called "Looking for Answers about Asperger's Syndrome."  Parents and their children with Asperger's Syndrome talk about their difficulties and the efforts they are doing to make going to school easier for them.

The article mentions one-on-one counseling for social skills and a training course for pragmatic speech.  Ways to learn how to interact with people while at school and prepare them with life skills and how to cope with meltdowns.

I wish I had training and counseling like this when I was a teenager.  While I was a teenager, I spent time in the basement of my parents' house listening to music and reading comic books just to cope with all the stress and frustration in my life at that time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is about my son, Chad.  Check out  I'm happy to hear you are living on your own and doing well.  I hope the best for my son when he is an adult.  I get very worried about his ability to survive on his own in the world.  I also don't want him to live with me for the rest of his life.  I love him, but he needs his own life.  Raising Chad has been difficult and fortunately there are more services available for children with AS.