Monday, March 24, 2008

Fluoride in Water - Does It Cause Asperger's?

A recent forum in Ashland, Massachusetts, had a debate over the use of fluoride in the water supply.  A retired nurse believes that the fluoridated water cause her neighbor's death and her son's Asperger's Syndrome.   A chemist also has said that there has been little or no effect to dental health whatsoever. 

On the other side of the debate is a former Boston oral health director and an Ashland dentist that say that there is no credible evidence that the fluoride in the water has harmed anyone and that the use of fluoridated water has been supported by every major public health organization in the U.S

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Public officials are required to endorse fluoridation.  And dentists are extremely misinformed about fluoride science.

While there is no current evidence to conclusively link fluoride to Asperger's or autism, there is a growing body of evidence showing that fluoride can damage the brain.

The fluoride that's added to drinking water is not clean pharmaceutical grade fluoride, they are silicofluorides, an impure waste product of the phosphater fertilzer industry which may deliver some lead, arsenic, mercury and other toxins to our glass of water along with the fluoride.

There is no dispute that too much fluoride is harmful.  The problem is that you haven't been told that fluoride is in virtually all foods and beverages as well as dental products.

Because fluoride absorbs into bones, foods made with mechanically de-boned meat will invariably get fluoridated bone dust into the finished product such as infant chicken baby foods, vienna sausages and chicken nuggets.

Fluoride pesticide residues remain on many fruits vegetables and grains.

Fluoride also gets absorbed into they system when brushing your teeth

The scientists and other professionals who make up Environmental Protection Agency have broken with management.  They tell us that science warns us that ingesting fluoride is hazardous to our health.

for more info