Tuesday, June 19, 2007

DaVinci Coded as Autistic

In an article called "New Discoveries Reveal a Real Life Da Vinci Code" an author named Derek Blair declares that Leonardo Da Vinci was autistic in his own non-fiction book titled, Discovering Da Vinci's Daughter.  The 24-year-old writer/photographer from Lake Forest, California, discovered while writing his book about the famous painter/inventor that he himself has Asperger's Syndrome.  His book also talks about the possibility that Da Vinci had a secret daughter.

Derek Blair believes a lot of people will be surprised by his book, including Dan Brown who wrote the fiction book, The Da Vinci Code.  Blair goes into the similarities between himself and Da Vinci in the chapter about Da Vinci having autism.

Sounds interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can download my book for free here: http://www.itsjustlife.com/dddd.pdf

Let me know what you think!


Derek Bair