Thursday, August 16, 2007

Picture This: A Filene's Basement Documentary

Boston Magazine recently interviewed the two producers, Michael Bavaro and Susan Edbril, who are doing a documentary about Boston's Filene's Basement called "Voices From The Basement."  The film is scheduled to be released in late 2008 which is the 100th anniversary of the legendary bargain department store.

Susan's grandmother was an employee at Filene's Basement.  When the documentary is released, Susan plans to host a big event and give the proceeds to the Corwin-Russell School, a school for students with Asperger's Syndrome and other related conditions.

Next month, Filene's Basement is closing for a two-year renovation project.  I can't help but remember that back in 1987 I was a cashier at the Basement from January to August.  Those were rough months for me because the work was very stressful and draining emotionally.  All I wanted was to work in broadcasting (radio and television), but I was stuck working at a job that had a salary which couldn't cover all my cost of living expenses.

I was glad to leave that job behind.  Unfortunately, the job I went to was with the IRS which turned out to be more stressful and draining that working at the Basement.  In fact, working for the IRS almost cost me my life.

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