Monday, September 17, 2007

I Miss John Ritter A Lot

I met John Ritter once back in 2001.  He was very nice and kind.  He visited Emerson College in March of that year while he was on a break from a play he was doing with Henry Winkler in New York at the time.  After he did his speech in front of Emerson alumni and students, I met him at the reception the college held for him.  I managed to talk to him, despite how nervous I was about meeting him.  After all, I grew up watching him on TV when he was starring in "Three's Company."

When I told him about the TV movie he did with Carrier Fisher, he kissed me on the cheek!  He told me that was his very first TV movie, "Leave Yesterday Behind."  I told him I saw his other movies and enjoyed them too.

It was heartbreaking in 2003 when he passed away just a few days before his birthday.  I cried a lot that day.

Happy Birthday,
John Ritter!


Three's Company Bloopers introduced by John Ritter

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