Saturday, August 27, 2005


My latest NetFlix DVD rental is "Marnie" - a classic Alfred Hitchcock film that came out in 1964.  It starred Tippi Hedron (Melonie Griffith's Mom) as Marnie, the lead character, and Sean Connery as Mark, her husband.  When it came out, it was advertised as a sex mystery.

I'll admit that I've seen these movie before, but I just hadn't seen it in such a long time.  It's still one of my favorite Hitchcock movies.  This movie was made after Hitchcock and Hedron did "The Birds."  Sean Connery had just finished making "Dr. No," his first James Bond movie.

In my memoir, I have a serious conversation with a dear friend where I bring up the movie "Marnie" because I was explaining to him what a suppressed memory can do to a person's life.  During the 1990s I have recovered a couple of my own repressed memories from childhood and it helped a great deal to me.  Of course, that will all be explained in my memoir.

Btw, my all time favorite Hitchcock film is "Psycho" starring Anthony Perkins.

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